VHT PitBull UltraLead Head Reviews 4

I liked the footswitch and the amps features the most. The footswitch with this is great - has Channel, Boost, Fx Loop and EQ switches ( which you can assign to Red or Green - or both ). With the foot-switchable boost and EQ, you can access a wide range of tones from light overdrive through to a mid-boosted solo tone in the course of a song. O... [read more on Audiofanzine]

drkorey rated this unit 3 on 2011-04-08.

used,1850.00,I bought this amp because it is absolutely the best sounding amp ive ever heard.i played one in denver at drumcityguitarland(great guys)check out the site.

i like the 3 sep channels,clean,perfectly clean,dirty and lead. it has an eq built in w/a boost,the gain stacking sets this apart from all other amps ive played,the absolute best thing is the clarity of the amp no matter which channel your on.all your notes are heard perfectly clear,if you are a sloppy player you will get caught with this unit.

i cant change the channels via midi,i have to purchase a box from axess electronics,to make it work with my rocktron all access controller.

the construction is awesome all vht items are hand built,thats why you wait,not mass produced by some company who could really give a hoot,service and tech is great also,tnks steve........

remember........nothing crushes like a VHT.

CHRIS W. rated this unit 5 on 2003-10-18.

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